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Little Miyah

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Miyah Telemaque-Nelson.

Miyah lost her battle with Burkitt's Lymphoma yesterday morning, she was six years old.

I remember seeing her story when John Wall posted it on his social media page and to see that she has loss her battled to blood cancer really hurts. I had an opportunity to meet Miyah at the 5K Lymphoma Walk with the Lymphoma Research Foundation. So young and so precious to be gone so soon. I can't imagine the pain her family is going through right now. I've only seen her on my computer screen and I can't even stop my tears from coming here at work. SMH #EraseLymphoma #CancerHasNoCare #Tears #Dzire2Pray4MiyahsFamily #RIPMiyah

@johnwall met Miyah this past March and started a social campaign to help her meet Nicki Minaj and receive one of her pink wigs. Wall and Miyah kept in touch, facetiming as recently as two weeks ago. Wall will write her name on his shoes in tonight's game.

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